Thursday, November 6, 2008

ThursdayThirteen #4 (November 6, 2008)

Here's a few things that really burn my butt. I have way too many pet peeves, ya think? This can't be good.

Thirteen Things about MY PET PEEVES

In no particular order:

1. The noise made when chewing with an open mouth.

2. Drivers who tailgate. I know gas is expensive, but you don't have to help by pushing. Thanks though.

3. People who go on and on and on about the same thing. All the time. Get over it, or get therapy. I am not a therapist.

4. Loud "thudding" or banging noises.

5. People (especially strangers) who tell me smoking is bad for me. Really? I had no clue. Thanks.

6. Hypochondriacs. No, just because you've been trying to get pregnant for 3 weeks and aren't yet, does not mean you are infertile. And I assure you that pimple on your chin is just that. A pimple. Not a cancerous tumor. Pop it!!

7. People who don't fart. Come on! Let it out! If you don't, it travels up to your brain, and causes all those shitty ideas. :P

8. PeOpLE wHo tYpe LiKe tHiS. WhY? iT l00Ks wEIrD anD doEsN'T It TaKE LonGEr?

9. Those who make fun of my mom, dad, or sister. Yes, they just might act like an idiot at times, but they're my idiots. Only *I* am allowed to say it. Unless I've given you the "OK".

10. I hate reading newspapers. When I'm done my fingers are all black from the ink. Oh yeah.. and It's smeared somewhere on my face that I don't know about until AFTER I come home from running an errand.

11. When my son starts every. single. sentence. with, "Hey, Mommy?" All. The. Time. 42 sentences. 42 "Hey, Mommy's". Imagine that in a span of 10 minutes, let alone an entire day.

12. When my daughter finishes every. single. sentence. with, "Right Mommy?" All. The. Time. 42 sentences. 42 "Right, Mommy's". Imagine that in a span of 10 minutes, let alone an entire day.

13. When I'm trying to show authority or I'm mad at the kids and they do something really funny or cute. Kinda hard to stay upset or serious when your 2.5 year old daughter is "shakin' her boooooty" or your 7 year old son is trying to figure out why earwax tastes so bad. :)

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